About the forum
11th Annual Finance Forum
The Maldives Pension Administration Office, as the country's largest institutional investor and a key social security provider, sees the development of the financial and social security sectors and broadening of financial knowledge as key imperatives to achieve its strategic intent and objectives.
The Maldives Finance Forum was launched in 2012 to enable a nationally acclaimed platform for deliberating on issues, promoting views, and sharing experiences for the development of the Maldives' financial and social sector.

The longest running annual event for leaders of the Maldives Finance Sector
Forum Objectives
Forum Speakers & Panelists
Keynote Speakers & Presenters
Dr. Aishath Shiham
Minister of Social and Family DevelopmentMr. Robert Palacios
Lead Economist, The World BankMs. Sujatha Haleem
Chief Executive Officer, Pension OfficeMs. Aminath Irthiyasha
Director, Investment and Research, Pension OfficePanelists
Dr. Ahmed Inaz
Chairperson, Pension OfficeMs. Shadiya Ibrahim
Head of Office, UNFPA Maldives Country OfficeMr. Hussain Niyazy
Auditor General, Auditor General's OfficeMs. Aishath Hassan
Chief Statistician, Maldives Bureau of StatisticsMs. Mariyam Visam
Registrar of Companies, Ministry of Economic Development & TradeMr. Ahmed Saaid Musthafa
Deputy Minister, Ministry of FinanceTentative Agenda
Welcome RemarksPresentation on the existing pension system of the Maldives.Ms. Sujatha Haleem, Chief Executive Officer, Pension Office
Keynote SpeechDr. Aishath Shiham, Minister of Social and Family Development
Video Presentation on Pension Office
Networking and Refreshment Break
Presentation on the changing demographics of MaldivesMs. Aishath Hassan, Chief Statistician, Maldives Bureau of Statistics
Panel Discussion: Changing demographics in Maldives and implications on the domestic economy
Dr. Ahmed Inaz, Chairperson, Pension OfficeMs. Shadiya Ibrahim, Head of Office, UNFPA Maldives Country OfficeMs. Aishath Hassan, Chief Statistician, Maldives Bureau of StatisticsMs. Mariyam Visam, Registrar of Companies, Ministry of Economic Development & TradeModerator
Ms. Azhath Rushdy, Director, Policy and Programs, Pension Office12:15
Lunch Break
Keynote Speech: Sustainable Pension SystemMr. Robert Palacios, Lead Economist, The World Bank
Panel Discussion: Sustainability and fairness of public non-contributory defined benefit schemes
Mr. Hussain Niyazy, Auditor General, Auditor General's OfficeMr. Ahmed Saaid Musthafa, Deputy Minister, Ministry of FinanceMr. Robert Palacios, Lead Economist, The World BankModerator
Ms. Mariyam Shiuna, Chief Operating Officer, Pension Office15:30
Presentation on Maldives Retirement Pension Scheme (MRPS) as an adequate retirement planMs. Aminath Irthiyasha, Director, Investment and Research, Pension Office
Closing RemarksMs. Hawwa Fajuwa, Chief Financial Officer, Pension Office
- Welcome Remarks: Overview of the existing pension system of the Maldives.Ms. Sujatha Haleem
- The Changing Demographics of MaldivesMs. Aishath Hassan
- The evolution of Maldivian pensions in the context of global patterns of pension provisionMr. Robert Palacios
- Adequacy of MRPS as a Retirement Savings VehicleMs. Aminath Irthiyasha
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